The Magic Door was a Jewish educational television series aimed at providing kiruv to Jewish children in the Chicago, Illinois metropolitan area. The show was produced by the Chicago Board of Rabbis and premiered January 1, 1962. The show ran weekly until January 1, 1982. It aired at 9:00 AM every Sunday morning on WBBM-TV. There were two main theme songs for the Magic Door. The first was based on an Israeli Children's song, "A Room Zoom Zoom". The second - written by Charles Gerber - was set to a melody from Beethoven's "Pastorale" Symphony No. 6: "Open, come open the Magic Door with me, / With your imagination there's so much we can see. / There is a doorway that leads to a place. / I'll find my way by the smile on your face." The main characters of the series included "Tiny Tov" and his cousin "Tina Tova". Tiny lived in a house that was made out of an acorn, the entrance was "The Magic Door". In addition to Tiny and Tina, there were other puppet characters including: Boobie Beaver, Icky Witch, Rabbi and Mrs moreh, Max the Mailbox, Rumplemyer Dragon, Bunny Rabbit, Buddy, Worthington Warlock, and many others. Before he would enter the dwelling, Tiny would sing a tune whose lyrics went,"Ah room zoom zoom, ah room zoom zoom, gily gily gily gily gily a sa sa. Come through the Magic Door with me, just say these words and wondrous things you'll see" .....and Tiny would be in the town of "Torahville".