Globo Loco is a British children's game show that aired on CITV from 16 May 2003 to 28 January 2005, presented by Stephen Mulhern. The show featured two teams of children, boys and girls, who tried to predict the outcome of often crazy challenges, each. If their prediction was closest they each won a prize. After all of the challenges, the team that predicted the most correctly would go into the final round. In the first season, the second-final game was 'Custard' where both teams challenge themselves to see if they can find out which bowl of custard is the trick custard by whacking every bowl they choose with a sledgehammer and whoever finds the only bowl with the real custard's team get to play the final round and in the first season, the final game was 'Couch Potatoes' where the team were sat on a sofa, which was spinning by 2 crewmen and they had to throw potatoes at television screens and smash them. In the second season, the final round was changed to 'The Memory Game'. The team had to try to predict how many items someone, a celebrity or a grown-up, would remember correctly.