Gideon was a late 1970s/early 1980s animated UK children's television series. This basic animation was centered around Gideon, a duck with an unusually long neck. Gideon's abnormality was the subject of cruel taunts and jibes from the other ducks - who all had normal length necks – but good always came out in the end. Gideon originated as a series of French storybooks, written by Benjamin Rabier in the 1920s, under the name Gédéon. In the 1970s French television produced the cartoon series, directed and co-written by Michel Ocelot, which was then sold to the United Kingdom television company Yorkshire Television and made into an English-language version. Directed by Steve Haynes. Music by Alan Parker ex Blue Mink. Goodie Tim Brooke-Taylor narrated the series, as well as providing all the voices – he estimates he had to do around 57 voices in all for the various characters, which included Winston the circus dog, Cornelia the tortoise, Stalker the poacher and even flying rabbits.